Educational Seminars and Workshops
Aging 101: Myths and Realities
The Gifts of Aging
Capturing Your Legacy: Telling Your Story
RCI Caring for You, Caring for Me: A Workshop for ALL Caregivers
You and Your Aging Parents: Positive Communication Strategies for Both of You
Daughter, Mother, Spouse, Friend, Employee, Caregiver: The Art of Juggling Multiple Roles and Surviving
Powerful Tools for Male Caregivers
Life After Raising Children: The Empty Nest
Understanding Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias
Positive Strategies for interacting with Individuals with Alzheimer’s disease
The 3 Ds: Depression, Dementia and Delirium
Cultural Sensitivity Training for Staff
Healthy Caregiving: Understanding Compassion Fatigue
Facing the New Challenge of the Church: Responding to the Caregiving Needs of Your Congregation
Grandparents Raising Grandkids
Taking Care of You and Me: A Workshop for Kinship Caregivers
Effective Communication with Your Teen
Positive Discipline: A Parenting Course
These educational seminars and workshops are offered by Kin and Kids Consulting. Additional workshops can be designed to meet your needs. Training and workshops are available days, nights and weekends. Training locations include your choice of site or at our conference rooms.
To schedule a training or for additional information contact us.